
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Millerton Lake Eagles 2020

Dale Matson

Click On Photographs To Enlarge

This time of year, the resident and annual migratory eagles begin to cluster. The first eagle boat tour is this coming Saturday and will cruise on Saturdays and Sundays for the next couple of months.
I had an opportunity to photograph an adult pair in the big tree by the historic Millerton Courthouse. I believe this pair are permanent residents but have no idea where they nest. They are not camera shy and patiently waited for the good and the blurry shots. They were in the tree when I arrived and they were still there when I drove over to the Madera side to look for more eagles. There were none this day but there are sometimes a few near the entrance.
There is a pair of Golden Eagles that roost high on a bluff and I can make them out with my new Sony 200-600mm lens with the 1.4 TC. That is quite a bit of reach! The last time I attempted to find their nest, I had to cope with an antagonistic bull and some feral pigs including a big boar that was snorting at me. Not fun!
Anyway, here are some photos taken with my new lens and Sony A9. Happy new year.